Delivery of Your Items
Delivery of your items can take anywhere from 3 to 8 full business days, depending on your location and the shipping method you select at Checkout.
Items are only shipped during regular business days (Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays within the United States). If you receive an e-mail notifying you that your items have been shipped during a weekend or federal holiday, they will not actually be shipped until the following business day.
We place an extremely high value on customer security and privacy. We take many precautions in verifying the security and privacy of orders. For this reason, most items take a minimum of 1 to 2 full business days to leave our warehouse, before entering the shipping process.
For more information about Delivery of Your Items, click here.
Delivery of Your ItemsDelivery of your items can take anywhere from 3 to 8 full business days, depending on your location and the shipping method you select at Checkout.Items are only shipped during regular business days (Monday-Friday, excluding federal holidays within the United States). If you receive an e-mail notifying you that your items have been shipped during a weekend or federal holiday, they will not actually be shipped until the following business day.We place an extremely high value on customer security and privacy. We take many precautions in verifying the security and privacy of orders. For this reason, most items take a minimum of 1 to 2 full business days to leave our warehouse, before entering the shipping process.For more information about Delivery of Your Items, click here.