During design development, ATP’s architects
used Revit Architecture software. The ability to
create and visualize the design in 3D rendered and
perspective views of the underlying model helped
the design team better visualize the emerging
design and make more informed design decisions.
In addition, the bidirectional associativity between
the model and any view of the model, including
production drawings, kept the design and
documentation coordinated for optimized project
and change management.
ATP also used Revit Structure to design the mall’s
supporting structures, create framework plans,
and for integrated structural analysis. By relying on
an integrated modeling platform, ATP’s structural
designers referenced the Revit architectural
model for their design, minimizing errors due to
translation data loss or manual coordination with
the architects. Non-supporting components were
hidden, and then structural components such as
supports, beams, foundations, and loads were added. In parallel, the architects referenced the
emerging structural design for multi-discipline
clash detection and improved coordination. The
framing design was developed and the model
passed to the structural engineers for analysis. The
Revit Structure software simultaneously creates
a physical model for layout, coordination, and
documentation as well as an analytical model for
structural analysis, helping ATP reduce redundant
modeling efforts and streamline the analysis
ATP piloted the Revit MEP software on this project,
using the software to design and document the
facility’s building systems, including the heating,
ventilation, electricity and sanitary systems. The
advantages of the integrated Revit platform and
the direct use of the architectural model were
particularly helpful for ATP’s MEP design efforts,
and the firm is now implementing Revit MEP for
future projects.
During design development, ATP’s architectsused Revit Architecture software. The ability tocreate and visualize the design in 3D rendered andperspective views of the underlying model helpedthe design team better visualize the emergingdesign and make more informed design decisions.In addition, the bidirectional associativity betweenthe model and any view of the model, includingproduction drawings, kept the design anddocumentation coordinated for optimized projectand change management.ATP also used Revit Structure to design the mall’ssupporting structures, create framework plans,and for integrated structural analysis. By relying onan integrated modeling platform, ATP’s structuraldesigners referenced the Revit architecturalmodel for their design, minimizing errors due totranslation data loss or manual coordination withthe architects. Non-supporting components werehidden, and then structural components such assupports, beams, foundations, and loads were added. In parallel, the architects referenced theemerging structural design for multi-disciplineclash detection and improved coordination. Theframing design was developed and the modelpassed to the structural engineers for analysis. TheRevit Structure software simultaneously createsa physical model for layout, coordination, anddocumentation as well as an analytical model forstructural analysis, helping ATP reduce redundantmodeling efforts and streamline the analysis過程。ATP 在這個專案上試行 Revit MEP 軟體使用軟體進行設計和文檔設施的建築系統,包括加熱,通風、 電力和衛生系統。的綜合 Revit 平臺優勢和建築模型直接使用了對 ATP 的 MEP 設計努力,特別有説明和該公司現在正在實施 Revit MEP,未來的專案。