QCD-QP-004 Rev 3 Eff 1Feb12 Calibration procedure for MeasuringEquipment.Calibration Plan (QCD-QR-024 Rev 2) as well as calibration recordsare presented. Checked N12 Seal strength test. Calibration due is14Oct20 and calibrated by 3rd party calibrator, Nidec-ShimpoCorporation. Also checked Mitutoyo caliper 0-01 used to measurethickness during material inspection receipt. Calibration due date is16Jan20.Finding:Based on calibration plan, Checked N-11, X-rite exact's calibration isnot applicable. However, based on Certificate of Performance of thismonitoring equipment, recommended calibration interval is annually.Since this equipment was purchased last April 2019, calibrationshould be planned on April 2020 and plan must be updated.