They aren't any different from other groups, what are you talking abou的繁體中文翻譯

They aren't any different from othe

They aren't any different from other groups, what are you talking about ?
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dimplebottoms Ela Brown • 11 hours ago
I beg to differ, lol. As if Twice is any different.
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disqus_lzZD7lZpEF Ela Brown • 11 hours ago
I don't know why people act like girl groups with cute concepts offend their great great grandmothers,

Like, okay preferences y'all but to me as long as the song is good, it shouldn't matter whatever concept a group has
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Ela Brown disqus_lzZD7lZpEF • 11 hours ago
i know that there might be a girlgroup with innocent concept and catchy song but i don't remember when was the last time i heard one
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Bored af Ela Brown • 10 hours ago
GFriend says Hi! Me Gusta Tu is currently the 2nd highest charting GG on Melon.
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poop Ela Brown • 10 hours ago
I know you basically implied you didn't like lovelyz song either but idk maybe u will like one of these 2 song please listen to them fully ! I hope u enjoy

Gfriend and Lovelyz are not bad.. I think? ^^
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I don't want your apples disqus_lzZD7lZpEF • 10 hours ago
The only problem I have with cute concepts is that they're sometimes a sexy concept in sheep's clothing; it makes me feel uncomfortable thinking about all the creepers that would be fetish-ising such an adolescent concept. Another problem is that they're usually all end up blending together (this is the same problem I have with boy-groups and hip hop.)

I feel like good examples of innocent concepts is something like Oh my girl's closer. That concept is just perfect; right mix of originality and youthfulness.

But tbh, I don't notice a song's concept until AFTER I end up liking the song? does that happen to anyone else? like I just don't notice what it's actually supposed to be. I listen, and if I like it I'll take more notice.
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zettai Ela Brown • 10 hours ago
so is twice
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nobody :3 juop • 34 minutes ago
they just debuted for 3 that some here can criticize them like they hv performed on over more than 20 fucking ridiculous...

" just lucky to be debuting under the big 3" JYPE is in d big 3 but not well-known to hv such power like other..get

their stage was ok n they sang live.. n not as bad as u said..
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jj juop • 3 hours ago
If they are not good, they won't debut under Big 3 at the very first place, lol.
Entering Big 3 it self can be considered prestigious, being able to debut is even more awesome.

I am not saying anyone who are not under Big 3 are crap, surely they will also be gems out there, but anyone comes from Big 3 are surely gems.
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Velvet Generation Ela Brown • 11 hours ago
Isn't Sana the one who lip-synced yesterday? And as always there's fan who defend her saying she got flu :)
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poop Velvet Generation • 11 hours ago
Because she's cute and fun to watch her evident mediocrity is excused by TWICE stans LMAO same for dahyun. And what's the point of having momo as the "best dancer" in the group when you can't even tell she is when you watch their lives?

Also As a pressed somi stan they should have removed all 3 of those girls and put somi instead. Then her and tzuyu can have more lines and tzuyu and mina can be dance line with jihyo.
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sarajgh poop • 10 hours ago
lmao as if somi is any better. sure she had great stage presence but her voice was not good. somi fans are still so pressed about her not making it, as if she had any chance at all (way too young)
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poop sarajgh • 10 hours ago
Ffs ik she was too young and her voice wasnt ready!! Omg let her livE saraj!!!!! Lol jk but i mean, if in just a few months we have TZUYU singing some good lines somi couldnt be that far behind. It's w/e, she can debut with natty in THRICE where she will pose as an improved version of nayeon-dahyun and natty will be the fully improved momo. In the mean time, THRICE u later alligator.
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sarajgh poop • 10 hours ago
i mean, i do think she would have fit in well and i would have preferred her to dahyun (but jyp prob saw that dahyun has the most fans and put her in) but she really was too young. and somi fans are honestly so annoying, like i don't see natty fans or chaeryeong fans being as annoying as somi fans (when they were practically in the same boat). i'm sure somi will do well in the next girl group, in the meantime just let twice be. somi wouldn't have changed a thing talent-wise.
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jdsf poop • 10 hours ago
lol Sana would have been in the group anyway, she was part of 6mix and if she was, that is because she has that charm that is needed
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beatriz poop • 7 hours ago
momo is one of the most popular member with international fans along with mina and sana,tzuyu is only in the group because of the beauty and I don´t think somi does kpop style, i think she has more western mentality different from vernon who identifies with the Korean side!
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KenToufan . poop • 10 hours ago
momo is the blondie.
and about dahyun, kinda agree lol she is the most lacking of them all.
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pin12 KenToufan . • 9 hours ago
sana is the one who's lacking the most
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牛乳 Velvet Generation • 10 hours ago
She actually did...she couldn't speak during their live which is surprising??? Especially since she's a pretty loud person.
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amino Ela Brown • 11 hours ago
well they did attain much exposure from the survival show and performing on stage so, it is expected that they deliver. the other rookies can still build up their stage presence, slow and steady can win the race too.
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Hyuni9 Netizen101 • 11 hours ago
It just show that in the kpop world visual matter more than actual talent. No wonder groups like Sunny Hill, Spica aren't popular despite being talented. Sad.
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Jenni vy Hyuni9 • 10 hours ago
I agree but it also has to do with the company your from not just based off of looks.
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Nikki Netizen101 • 11 hours ago
They're pretty girls...but there really isn't a strong vocal
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byoing~byoing. Nikki • 11 hours ago
It's a jyp group. There's no strong vocalist currently in any jyp idol group apart from 15&
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juop byoing~byoing. • 11 hours ago
yes there is, yeeun, junsu, 15&, got7 has great vocals....twice just doesnt have one

Just because she doesn't sing so much there is not like she doesn't have a good voice
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Ela Brown byoing~byoing. • 11 hours ago
Just one of the examples. Let's not forget about Yeeun Junho 15& 2AM JB Youngjae BAY

Technically JYPE has more good vocalists than YG

What kind of misguided bullshit lmao
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kimmyungsoo poop • 10 hours ago
Shuush...its now time to bash Twice and all JYP idols lmao. I always expect this from NB users. I always come here to laugh lmao
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十十 kimmyungsoo • 6 hours ago
i find it ridiculous that people are bashing twice for having no talent, like yeah they have a few that dont do much but that applies to every group. yeeun is actually a really weak vocalist technically (sorry bias) and minjun and youngjae arent that that good either. twice arent that far off from got7 vocally, but nb users feel a need to shit on their lives for some reason.
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kimmyungsoo 十十 • 2 hours ago
People who ridiculed them mostly came from a non JYP groups. As for yeeun, and youngjae theyre pretty good with their lives singing. Twice will improve just like other group.
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十十 kimmyungsoo • an hour ago
mhm they have lovely voices (yennys my ub and youngjaes my favorite male kpop voice) but it just doesnt make sense to me that theyre put on such a higher pedestal when all jyp groups aside from 15& have similar singing talents. they're all stable singers with nice voices, and thats that.
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oro_jackson byoing~byoing. • 9 hours ago
What is this bullshit? I get Twice isn't that great vocally, but JYP always has good vocalists apart from them + they have Day6, which is pretty much one of the best vocal groups to have ever come out (I know they aren't idols but still..)
Please keep in mind high notes =/= strong vocalist.
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ChaBootyIsBae byoing~byoing. • 3 hours ago
Wait.. so Jun.K, Junho, Youngjae, JB, All Day6, Bernard n GSoul aren't count as strong vocalist????
Jihyo is powerful vocalist tho.. She can't show her range vocal in this song.
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mint byoing~byoing. • 5 hours ago
Youngjae, Jinyoung and Jaebum of got7 are pretty good vocals imo. They're the only jyp group i stan tho so i don't know about others.
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inthebutt byoing~byoing. • 8 hours ago
not an idol but day6 has really great vocals.
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wellduhh byoing~byoing. • 10 hours ago
I don't particularly like their voices, but the lead singers in JYP groups tend to be really really good. Their weal vocalist are just next level weak. At least the 2pm boys have improved immensely.
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exolover Netizen101 • 11 hours ago
Why are we pretending here ?!!!!
Is SNSD on top because they're talented?!
Since when KPOP top groups were determined based on how musically talented they were ??!! And as hard as it must be for some SM stans, most people find TWICE the top beauties.
Their beauty is too overwhelmingly.
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Bored af exolover • 11 hours ago
I'm pret
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他們不是任何不同于其他群體,你在說什麼嗎?35 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達dimplebottoms Ela 布朗 • 11 小時前我敢苟同,哈哈。因為如果兩次有什麼不同。40 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達disqus_lzZD7lZpEF Ela 布朗 • 11 小時前我不知道為什麼人們的動作像女孩團體與可愛概念冒犯他們偉大的太祖母,喜歡,好的喜好你們但對我,只要這首歌很好,其實也沒什麼無論概念組已28 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達Ela 布朗 disqus_lzZD7lZpEF • 11 小時前我知道 girlgroup 無辜的概念與首好聽的歌但我不記得聽到了一個最後一次是什麼時候2 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達無聊 af Ela 布朗 • 10 小時前GFriend 說: 嗨!我沉淪土目前是第 2 次在最高圖表 GG 上瓜。19 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達便便 Ela 布朗 • 10 小時前我知道你基本上暗示你並不喜歡 lovelyz 歌但我不知道也許你會喜歡這些 2 首歌之一請聽聽他們完全要麼!我希望你喜歡Gfriend 和 Lovelyz 不是壞的。我認為?^^• Reply•Share ›阿凡達我不想你蘋果 disqus_lzZD7lZpEF • 10 小時前唯一的問題我有可愛的概念是他們有時是一個性感的概念在羊皮;它讓我感覺不舒服思考會戀物癖 ising 青少年的概念的所有藤蔓。另一個問題是它們通常最終都會混合在一起 (這是同樣的問題,我有與男孩團體和嘻哈)。我覺得像無辜的概念很好的例子有點像哦我的女孩的更緊密。這一概念是恰到好處;創意和青春的正確組合。但 tbh,我沒有注意到一首歌的概念直到後我會喜歡這首歌嗎?這會給別人呢?像我就是不通知它實際上據說是。我聽著,和如它我會更多的注意。1 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達女性 Ela 布朗 • 10 小時前所以是的兩倍4 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達沒有人: 3 juop • 34 分鐘前他們剛剛推出 3 天......,哈哈有趣一些這裡可以批評他們像他們高壓對執行過超過 20 階段......AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA...他媽的這麼可笑..."很幸運,首次亮相下大 3"JYPE 是在 d 大 3,但是對高壓這權力像其他不知名。得到真正...,哈哈他們的舞臺是他們自己唱的好 n。n u 說不一樣糟糕。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達jj juop • 3 小時前如果他們不是好的他們不會根據在第一次的地方,哈哈大 3 首次亮相。進入自我可說是有名望的大 3,首次亮相是能夠更令人肅然起敬。我不說任何人都不下大 3 胡扯,肯定他們也將寶石在那裡,但任何人來自大 3 肯定是寶石。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達天鵝絨代 Ela 布朗 • 11 小時前不是 Sana 昨天對著口型演唱的人嗎?還有一如既往捍衛她說她得了流感:) 的風扇10 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達便便天鵝絨代 • 11 小時前因為她是可愛和有趣看她明顯的平庸是原諒的兩次斯坦 LMAO 相同為 dahyun。和點的有沫沫,如"最好的舞者"組中時你甚至不能告訴她是當你看著他們的生活是什麼?同步選取 somi 斯坦他們應刪除所有 3 的那些女孩子,相反把 somi。然後她和後來可以有更多的線,後來,mina 可與 jihyo 舞蹈線。15 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達sarajgh 便便 • 10 小時前lmao somi 是否好些。當然她有偉大的舞臺表演,但她的聲音不是很好。somi 球迷是仍然如此追問她不做它,因為如果她有任何機會在所有 (太年輕的方式)15 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達大便 sarajgh • 10 小時前Ffs ik 她還太年輕,她的聲音還沒準備好!!Omg 讓她活的瑟拉!!!哈哈,開玩笑,但意思是,如果只是幾個月後,我們有後來唱一些好行 somi 不可能是那遠遠甩在後面。它是 w/e,她可以與首次亮相中三次,在那裡她會構成一個改進型的 nayeon dahyun 和整潔會充分改進沫沫整潔。在同時,三次 u 短吻鱷。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達sarajgh 便便 • 10 小時前我的意思是,覺得她會有比較適合,我寧願她到 dahyun (但 jyp 問題看到那 dahyun 有最多的粉絲,把她放),但她真的是太年輕了。somi 球迷,老實說這麼讓人討厭,好像看不到整潔的球迷還是 chaeryeong 的球迷作為惱人作為 somi 球迷 (當他們幾乎在同一條船上)。我確信 somi 將做好下一女孩組,在這期間只讓兩次會。somi 天份不會改變一件事。8 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達jdsf 便便 • 10 小時前lol Sana 本來組中不管怎麼說,她是的 6mix,如果她在那是因為她有那所需的魅力的一部分9 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達比阿特麗斯便便 • 7 小時前莫莫是和米娜和沙那國際球迷最受歡迎的成員之一,後來因為美是僅在組 don´t 認為 somi 韓流風格,我認為她有越來越多的西方心態不同從弗農與韓方標識的人!• Reply•Share ›阿凡達KenToufan。便便 • 10 小時前莫莫是金髮美女。和關於 dahyun,有點同意她是最缺乏,哈哈。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達pin12 KenToufan。• 9 小時前sana 是缺乏大部分的人• Reply•Share ›阿凡達牛乳天鵝絨代 • 10 小時前她實際上這樣做她說不出話在他們住的是令人驚訝嗎???特別是因為她是一個很大聲的人。4 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達氨基 Ela 布朗 • 11 小時前好他們並未實現從生存節目多曝光,所以在舞臺上表演,預計他們交付。其他新秀們仍然可以建立他們的舞臺表演,緩慢和穩定也可以贏得這場比賽。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達Hyuni9 Netizen101 • 11 小時前它只是表明在韓流世界視覺問題比實際的人才更多。像陽光山沒有奇跡組,角宿一不受歡迎,儘管有才華。令人傷心。30 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達詹妮 vy Hyuni9 • 10 小時前我同意,但它也有與公司做你從看起來不只是以。4 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達尼基 Netizen101 • 11 小時前他們是漂亮的女孩......,但確實沒有強烈的聲樂21 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達byoing ~ byoing。尼基 • 11 小時前它是 jyp 組。目前還沒有較強的歌手除了 15 任何 jyp 偶像組 &22 • Reply•Share ›−阿凡達juop byoing ~ byoing。• 11 小時前是的有,譽,俊秀,15 & got7 具有偉大人聲...兩次就不會有一個只是因為她唱得不太多是不喜歡她沒有一副好嗓子11 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達Ela 布朗 byoing ~ byoing。• 11 小時前只是其中一個例子。讓我們不要忘記關於譽昊 15 & 2 上午 JB Youngjae 灣從技術上講 JYPE 有更多的好歌手,比 YG什麼樣的誤導的胡說 lmao4 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達kimmyungsoo 便便 • 10 小時前Shuush...其現在時間來砸兩次和所有 JYP 偶像 lmao。我總是期待這來自 NB 使用者。我總是來笑笑13 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達十十 kimmyungsoo • 6 小時前我覺得可笑的人撲兩次因為沒有人才,像是他們有幾個不做多了,但這適用于每個組。譽從技術上講是其實真的很弱的歌手 (抱歉偏壓) 和敏君和 youngjae 也不是那麼的好。兩次不遠了從 got7 暢所欲言,但 nb 使用者覺得有必要對他們的生活狗屎,出於某種原因。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達kimmyungsoo 十十 • 2 小時前大多是嘲笑他們的人來自非 JYP 組。至於譽及 youngjae 他們與他們的生活唱歌很好。兩次將改善就像其他的組。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達十十 kimmyungsoo • 一小時前mhm 他們有可愛的聲音 (yennys 我 ub 和 youngjaes 我最喜歡的男性韓流的聲音),但它只是對不通我他們把這種更高的臺階時,所有 jyp 一邊從 15 組 & 有類似的歌唱人才。他們是很好的聲音,所有穩定歌手,就是這樣。• Reply•Share ›阿凡達oro_jackson byoing ~ byoing。• 9 小時前這狗屁是什麼?我得到兩次不是那麼好用聲音,但是 JYP 總是有好的歌手,除了他們 + 他們有 Day6,是相當多的最好的演唱團體曾經出來 (我知道他們不是偶像但仍...)請牢記心中高音符 = / = 強歌手。2 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達ChaBootyIsBae byoing ~ byoing。• 3 小時前等待。所以昊,Bernard n GSoul,Jun.K,Youngjae,JB,所有 Day6 作為強歌手不算???Jihyo 芹苴是強大的聲樂家。她不能顯示她範圍聲樂在這首歌。1 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達薄荷 byoing ~ byoing。• 5 小時前Youngjae、 Jinyoung 和 got7 宰范是很好的嗓音海事組織。他們是彼此的唯一 jyp 組斯坦芹苴所以我不知道別人。1 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達inthebutt byoing ~ byoing。• 8 小時前不是偶像,但 day6 有真正偉大的嗓音。1 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達wellduhh byoing ~ byoing。• 10 小時前我特別不喜歡他們的聲音,但在 JYP 組鉛歌手往往是真的真的很好。他們疾苦的歌手是弱只是下一級別。在至少 2 下午男孩有大幅度提高。1 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達exolover Netizen101 • 11 小時前為什麼我們假裝在這裡?!頂上是少女時代,因為他們有才華?!自當韓流頂部組測定的基礎如何音樂天才們??!!它必須為一些 SM 斯坦很努力,大多數人尋找兩次頂級的美女。它們的美是太壓倒性。50 • Reply•Share ›阿凡達無聊的 af exolover • 11 小時前我 pret
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,我不知道人們為什麼像少女團體與可愛的概念得罪他們的偉大偉大的祖母,喜歡,沒關係的喜好,但你們都來我只要這首歌是不錯的,它不應該不管什麼概念,一組有28•回复•分享> 阿凡達埃拉·布朗disqus_lzZD7lZpEF•10小時前我知道有可能是無辜的概念和琅琅上口的歌曲,但我穿上girlgroup 'T記得最後一次我聽見有一位2•答复•分享> 頭像無聊AF埃拉·布朗•10個小時前GFriend說:嗨!我古斯塔屠目前對甜瓜2號打榜GG。19• 回复•分享> 阿凡達船尾埃拉·布朗•10個小時之前,我知道你基本上意味著你不喜歡lovelyz歌要么但IDK的,也許你也會喜歡這些2中的一個歌曲請聽他們充分!我希望ü喜歡Gfriend和Lovelyz不壞。我覺得呢?^^•答复•分享> 阿凡達,我不希望你的蘋果disqus_lzZD7lZpEF•10個小時前唯一的問題,我與可愛的概念是,他們有時是性感的概念,披著羊皮的; 這讓我感到不舒服思考所有這將是神物,伊辛這種青春期的概念攀緣植物。另一個問題是,它們通常都最終融合為一體(這是同一個問題,我與男孩團體和嘻哈。)我覺得像無辜的概念很好的例子是一樣的東西噢,我的女孩更接近。這個概念就是完美的; 創意和青春的正確組合,但TBH,我沒有注意到一首歌的概念,直到後,我最終喜歡這首歌?這是否發生在其他人?就像我剛才沒有注意到什麼它實際上應該是。我聽著,如果我喜歡它,我會採取更多的通知。1• 答复•分享> 阿凡達絕對埃拉·布朗•11小時以前那麼的兩倍4•答复•分享> 阿凡達人:3 juop•35分鐘前,他們剛開張3天......笑......有趣的是,一些在這裡可以批評他們就像他們HV進行超過20多級...... AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHA ......太他媽的可笑......“ 只是幸運地在大3開張“JYPE在D中大3而不是眾所周知的高壓電源等類似other..get真正的...笑他們的舞台是好的ñ他們唱現場。N不那麼糟糕,因為ü說...• 答复•分享> 阿凡達JJ juop•3小時前如果他們不好,他們不會三巨頭在首次亮相的第一個地方,笑。進入三巨頭也自可算是久負盛名,能夠登場更是真棒。我不是說任何人誰不是三巨頭下都是扯淡,想必他們也將寶石在那裡,但任何人都來自三巨頭是肯定的寶石。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達天鵝絨代埃拉·布朗•10小時前是不是薩那的一個誰唇同步昨天?和往常一樣有球迷誰捍衛她說她感冒了:) 10•回复•分享> 阿凡達船尾茸代•10小時前因為她的可愛,有趣的,看著她明顯平庸的兩倍原諒斯坦LMAO相同dahyun。什麼是組時,你甚至不能告訴她有莫莫的“最佳舞者”的點,當你看著自己的生命呢?而且作為一個壓SOMI斯坦他們應該已經刪除了所有3的那些女孩,並把SOMI代替。然後,她和tzuyu可以有更多的線路和tzuyu和Mina可與jihyo舞蹈線。15• 回复•分享> 阿凡達sarajgh船尾•10個小時前LMAO好像SOMI是任何好轉。確保她有很大的舞台表現,但她的聲音並不好。SOMI球迷還是那麼按她不可以這樣做,因為如果她有在所有任何機會(太年輕)15• 回复•分享> 阿凡達船尾sarajgh•10個小時前FFS IK她太年輕,她的聲音wasnt準備好了! !OMG讓她住薩拉伊!!!!! 大聲笑JK但我的意思是,如果在短短的幾個月內,我們有TZUYU唱一些好的線路SOMI不可能是遠遠落後。這是瓦特/ E,她能與整潔的在上三次,她會偽裝成nayeon-dahyun的改進版本,整潔的將是全面的提升莫莫登場。與此同時,上三次ü後來的鱷魚。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達sarajgh船尾•10個小時前我的意思是,我認為她會適應良好,我寧願她dahyun(但JYP概率看到dahyun有最迷,並把她的),但她真的是太年輕了。和SOMI球迷老老實實那麼討厭,就像我沒有看到整潔的球迷還是chaeryeong球迷被惱人的SOMI風扇(當他們幾乎在同一條船上)。我敢肯定SOMI會做得很好,接下來的女子組合中,在此期間只是讓兩遍。SOMI不會改變的事情人才明智的。8• 答复•分享> 阿凡達jdsf船尾•10個小時前笑薩那將是該組中,無論如何,她是6mix的一部分,如果她,那是因為她有所需要的魅力9•答复•分享> 阿凡達比阿特麗斯船尾•10小時前沫沫是隨著米娜和薩那國際球迷最流行 ​​的成員之一,tzuyu是只在組中,因為美麗和我不想SOMI確實KPOP的風格,我覺得她有更多的西方思想從弗農不同誰標識與朝方!• 答复•分享> 阿凡達KenToufan。船尾•10個小時前莫莫是金發美女,以及有關dahyun,還挺同意笑,她是最缺乏的這一切。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達pin12 KenToufan。•3小時前SANA是一個誰的缺乏是最•答复•分享> 阿凡達牛乳茸代•10個小時前,她居然沒有...她在他們的生活不能說這是令人驚訝??? 特別是因為她是一個非常響亮的人。4• 答复•分享> 頭像個埃拉·布朗•10小時前以及他們所做實現從生存表現出很大的曝光和在舞台上表演的話,預計他們提供。其他的新秀仍然可以建立自己的舞台表現,緩慢而穩定能贏得比賽了。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達Hyuni9 Netizen101•10小時前這只是表明,在KPOP世界視覺物質超過實際的人才。難怪團體如陽光山,角宿並不儘管是有才華的流行。傷心。30• 回复•分享> 阿凡達珍妮VY Hyuni9•10個小時前我同意,但它也有你的不只是基於脫的樣子,做公司4•答复•分享> 阿凡達尼克Netizen101•10小時前他們“再漂亮的女孩......但真的沒有一個強有力的聲樂21•回复•分享> 阿凡達byoing〜byoing。尼克•10小時前這是一個JYP組。有來自15沒有強烈的歌手目前除了任何JYP偶像團體22•回复•分享> - 阿凡達juop byoing〜byoing。•11小時前肯定有,yeeun,俊秀,15,got7具有很大的歌聲....兩次,只是不有一只是因為她不唱了這麼多有不喜歡她沒有一個好聲音11•回复•分享> 阿凡達埃拉·布朗byoing〜byoing。•10小時前的例子只是之一。讓我們不要忘記Yeeun俊昊15 2AM JB Youngjae灣技術上JYPE有更多優秀的歌手比YG 什麼樣的誤導廢話LMAO 4•答复•分享> 阿凡達kimmyungsoo船尾•10個小時前Shuush ...它現在的時間來抨擊兩次,所有JYP偶像LMAO。我總是希望這個來自NB用戶。我總是來這裡笑LMAO 13•回复•分享> 阿凡達十十kimmyungsoo•6個小時前我覺得可笑,人們撲兩次,有沒有天賦,就像是啊,他們有幾個是不要做太多,但適用於每一個組。yeeun實際上是一個非常弱的歌手技術(對不起偏差)和民軍和youngjae的arent,這一不太妙。兩次的arent那麼遙遠,從got7口頭上,但NB用戶覺得需要拉屎對他們生活的某些原因。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達kimmyungsoo十十•3小時前人誰嘲笑他們主要來自非JYP組。至於yeeun和youngjae嗎更有相當不錯的用生命唱歌。兩次將改善,就像其他組。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達十十kimmyungsoo•一小時前MHM他們可愛的聲音(yennys我的UB和youngjaes我最喜愛的男KPOP音),但它只是沒有道理,我認為嗎更有換上這種較高的基座時,所有的JYP組除了15也有類似的歌唱人才。他們都穩定的歌手有很好的聲音,和多數民眾的。• 答复•分享> 阿凡達oro_jackson byoing〜byoing。•11小時以前這是什麼屁話?我得到兩次不是很大大聲疾呼,但JYP總是有很好的歌手除了他們之外+他們有第六天,這幾乎是最好的聲樂團體之一,有以往任何時候都出來了(我知道他們不是偶像,但仍。 。)請記住高音= / =強大的主唱。2• 答复•分享> 阿凡達ChaBootyIsBae byoing〜byoing。•3個小時前等待..所以Jun.K,俊昊,Youngjae,JB,所有的第六天,伯納德ñGSoul都不算強的主唱???? Jihyo是強大的聲樂家壽..她不能表現出她的聲音範圍在這首歌中。1• 答复•分享> 阿凡達薄荷byoing〜byoing。•5個小時前Youngjae,進永及got7的宰範是相當不錯的唱功海事組織。他們是唯一的JYP組我斯坦壽,所以我不知道其他人。1• 答复•分享> 阿凡達inthebutt byoing〜byoing。•8個小時前不是一個偶像,但第6天有真正偉大的人聲。1• 答复•分享> 阿凡達wellduhh byoing〜byoing。•11小時以前我特別不喜歡他們的聲音,但在JYP組主唱往往是真的很不錯。他們的疾苦歌手只是一個新的水平弱。至少,下午,男孩極大改善。1• 答复•分享> 阿凡達exolover Netizen101•10小時前我們為什麼要假裝在這裡?!!!! 是少女時代在上面,因為他們是有才華的?!當確定KPOP頂級組,因為根據他們是如何音樂才華?? !! 而難,因為它必須是一些SM斯坦斯,大多數人覺得兩次頂級美女。她們的美是太壓倒多數。50• 回复•分享> 頭像無聊AF exolover•10小時前我PRET

結果 (繁體中文) 3:[復制]
dimplebottoms ELA棕色•11小時前
disqus_lzzd7lzpef ELA棕色•11小時前

無聊AF ELA棕色•10小時前


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