Analysis of sugars in the fruit samples was performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) on a liquid chromatography (Series 200, PerkinElmer, UK) equipped with a vacuum degasser, binary pump, manual injector (100 μL microsyringe), loop of 20μL, refractive index detector, column temperature of 50℃, and oven temperature of 65℃. The chromatographic separation used the column Lichrospher 100 NH2 5μm (250 × 4 mm). The mobile phase used for separation of the sugars was an aqueous solution of 75% (v/v) acetonitrile at a flow rate of 1.3 × 10-2 mL s-1 with a run time of 15 min according to Macrae (1998). The quantification of sugar was performed using an external standard curve with 6 points for each pattern (sucrose, glucose, fructose). The same chromatographic conditions were kept for standards and samples. The samples were pressed fruit juice and 1 g obtained was homogenized in aqueous 75% acetonitrile and transferred to a flask supplementing the volume to 50 mL. The solution was subjected to an ultrasonic bath for 10 min and filtered on filter paper and Minisart (CR 4, Sartorius) for injection into the chromatograph. The identification of the sugars in the fruit samples was performed by comparison of their retention time with the respective standard. All analyses were performed in duplicate.