Warmest Greetings from Hong Kong Disneyland Reservation Center!
Regarding your reservation - 12893SB064381 via our Hong Kong Disneyland
website, please note that the expiry date of given credit card is
invalid (Expiry Date: 07/16). To confirm this reservation, please
provide us the updated Expiry Date within 2 days by Aug 1, 2016 for
further process, or the reservation will be automatically released
without further notice.
Alternatively, if you have another credit card for the payment, you may
simply amend the card information via the online reservation system by
the following steps:
1) Go to our official website at
2) Please input your registered email address with your online
reservation number - 12893SB064381 and follow the steps and make the
amendment accordingly.
Should you have any queries, please contact us by email or hotline at
(852) 1 830 819. We look forward to serving you for a magical vacation
at Hong Kong Disneyland Resort!
Have a Magical Day!
Yours Sincerely,
Nicole Cheung
Hong Kong Disneyland Reservation Center