hello what should I do about the label copy this song are mine and its original 100% from me週一 下午4:35Thankful MusicHi there! Are you ready for other materials?I will help you with label copy if you finish other materials:)由黃怡萱所傳送Cyril Geronimoyes I already finished I will send it when I got homethank you so much sir for the helpThankful MusicAnytime! And tell me if you got problems由黃怡萱所傳送Cyril Geronimookay.. thank you so much Thankful Music週一 下午11:51Cyril Geronimohello how about I dont have a lyrics?..Cyril GeronimoHello I have four songs had lirycsmy problem is the labelCyril GeronimoI have 6 songs prepared上午11:40Thankful MusicHi sir! did you send the all materials to us?由黃怡萱所傳送下午2:10Cyril Geronimono ididnt sent it cause you said before you help me about the labelremember?sorry late rply sirThankful Musicok 由Vita Liu所傳送Cyril Geronimoso what should I do?.. I will send these to your email