6. Discussion and conclusions
High levels of SA can play a critical role in optimizing disaster response. As highlighted by the framework (Figure 10), in order to provide an optimal support environment during disaster response, it is important to consider other factors related to the responder’s immediate work environment, the information environment they interact with and the environment they operate in which can play a critical role in providing optimal support environment during disaster response. It is important that IT-based systems designed to support individual responders and group decision making, consider complex socio-behavioral-technical interaction at individual, team and inter/intra-organizational for effective situation aware decision making support. In order to minimize the adverse effect of disasters on national economies, there is a need to conduct rigorous studies of interactions among responders in order to improve understanding of their dynamics and the computer support they require in complex disaster situations. This paper concludes that SA in disaster response would be very effective to ensure effective disaster response and to support responders’ ability to get the required information on an as-needed basis under dynamic and complex conditions. Improvements in SA could result in improvements in decision making and response efforts.