Hi Ms. Renee,Christine will arrive on January 6th on the same flight as another Kirov student. They can split the $100 fee. So it will be $50 for the fee, for other than travel day pick-up at Dulles. I will be the one picking them up.Christine can Uber to most of her auditions if you give her permission to go alone or in a group. Usually, there are a few going to the same auditions. Once in a while, it may work out that another parent is driving them, so she can also join them if her leave permission grants her permission to go with another Kirov parent. Right now it says that we must notify you first.Finally, Nora's mom did send the invitation and is fine with driving Christine to the airport arriving 2 hours ahead of the flight. She will be dropped around 10 PM on Monday for her flight at 12:20 AM on Tuesday.Hope that clarifies everything.Warm regards,Joan Galli