DIII-7. Each water hazard may require a different type of coverage. The following list is an example composition of a boat detail. Equipment should be altered to best accomplish the mission. Two qualified boat operators must be present on each boat recovery detail. (One primary and one assistant for each boat.) Each recovery boat team may need the following equipment:Boat (combat rubber raiding craft or solid bodied boat of comparable size) with operable outboard motor.Fuel and oil sufficient to complete the mission.Life vest or floatation device for each boat detail member and additional floatation devices for jumpers.One life ring with attached rope.One radio with spare battery.One shepherd’s crook.One grappling hook.One long backboard to facilitate cardiopulmonary respiration.One aid bag with resuscitation equipment.One rope, 120 feet long.Optional training, as required.D-8. For night recovery operations, each recovery boat must have operational night vision devices with spare batteries: two for each boat.D-9. The following optional training is suggested:Suspended harness training on second through fifth points of performance may be given. Step-by- step training on the procedures jumpers will take for an unintentional water landing may be conducted.An optional dunk tank training device may be constructed to allow the lowering of jumpers (wearing parachute harness and B-7, LPU-10, and TFSS life preservers) into the water. This training familiarizes the jumpers with the proper emergency water landing procedures.