Babe, I love you. I want to stay with you all the time but I can not m的菲律賓文翻譯

Babe, I love you. I want to stay wi

Babe, I love you. I want to stay with you all the time but I can not make it right now. You already knew it but someday I will make it for you.

Babe, can i ask you something? Sometimes I just feel jealous and envy which I want to change or fix myself. Babe, sometimes I feel you do not want to share or explain to me your thoughts and feelings because you feel difficult and annoying. I am sorry if I am not like Chen who can speak great Tagalog and have great looking.

Babe, I will try to study Tagalog for you so that we can understand each other. Sorry!
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結果 (菲律賓文) 1: [復制]
Babe, Mahal kita. Gusto kong manatili sa iyo sa lahat ng oras ngunit hindi ko maaaring gawin itong ngayon. Mayroon ka nang alam ito ngunit sa ibang araw ko gawin itong para sa iyo. Babe, maaari ako humingi ka ng isang bagay? Minsan ko lang pakiramdam naninibugho at pananaghili na gusto kong baguhin o ayusin ang aking sarili. Babe, minsan nararamdaman ko na hindi mo nais upang ibahagi o ipaliwanag sa akin ang iyong mga saloobin at mga damdamin dahil sa tingin mo mahirap at nakakainis. Sorry kung hindi ako gusto Chen kung sino ang maaaring makipag-usap mahusay Tagalog at magkaroon ng mahusay na naghahanap. Babe, ako ay subukan upang pag-aralan Tagalog para sa iyo upang maaari naming maunawaan ang bawat isa. Paumanhin!

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