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Randy Clere • There is no such thing as a best type of acupuncture for PTSD. One treats the root of the issue and then the symptoms... acupuncture practiced correctly is not a "cookbook" recipe...
How I work with PTSD, is to use acupuncture to treat the root imbalance and then treat the branch or symptoms.... when the symptoms are gone or manageable, then I use NLP/Hypnotherapy to process the " neurological lock" that is presenting itself. Acupuncture i have found is a wonderful "bridge" to access the body/mind. Also, if you are treating PTSD, it is good to have training in this because, there are things that come up that are specific. Peter Levine is THE person to train with.... His book, "Waking the Tiger" is a must read, and there are trainings all over the country. Again, acupuncture is not a cookbook method, where one style or type is better than the other... It is the lens and the "filter" that the practitioner is looking through that makes the difference.
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